Top 10 Tips to Follow to Sustain Happiness in Life
We bring you the top secrets to sustain happiness in life. After all, a life well-lived is a life lived happily. People sometimes have the easiest time finding the secrets to such an unparalleled virtue. Most often, however, people find it quite challenging to figure things out, so to speak. They may have arrived at this place after a lot of struggle, yearning, or simply just a greater share or helping of suffering. After all, it does evidently take a lot of contrary talk to joy to achieve that particular wave of happiness we all are after.
It is often seen among a properly studied cross-section of modern human consensus that most people seem to be getting things right after all. But what is it that keeps making them such losers, such loners, and more often than not, hopeless romantics in dire need of a silver lining of blinding bright light? Here are the top 10 secrets that we think are the way for you to sustain such contentment and pleasure, often termed “Happiness,” in Life.
10. Being Noble
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As a number 10, we have formulated one of the most intricate virtues of happiness itself. All wisdom and faith, intelligence and steadfastness, not to mention the all-conquering emphatic take on life, spawns from being noble. Being noble involves the textbook yes, right, and up. This might sound like it is impractical to achieve, but that can’t be any more further from the truth. As depicted and told by countless myths and fables, and accounts from history, a life worth living is a noble life.
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9. Feeling Content

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You’ve guessed it; the next top secret in our list to sustain happiness in life is the right to reflect on oneself to the degree of feeling fulfilled regardless of what the World makes of your growth. It could be true that you have not hit it off well as much as many around you, but it’s always a measure of what is worth at the end of the day. Taking a look at how fast you’ve grown, at the number of bounds and leaps, and feeling content with the things in your life that make you smile sure could be a well-kept secret to happiness in life.
8. Making every meal a hearty meal

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The next secret on our list is no great hush-hush as it is what every living being on the Planet, those even not Human –Oh yes, most certainly Yes- enjoy without even being asked to: It’s eating! Eating is the most important requirement for us to stay alive and stable, but how many of us do that responsibly and conscientiously every time? Not many, I suspect. Making every meal something to remember and something that gives you great reason could well be “The” most important secret to a happy life! But wait, there’s more.
7. Explore the Outdoors

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What we make of the World is what it is. But how can we tell for sure? Without a speck of doubt, we can tell by only experiencing the World ourselves, first hand with no bars held in between. Exploring the World could mean activity as simple as taking an evening walk through a never before explored path. Or, an altogether new route with old paths or contrariwise to trekking rugged mountain paths to camping in a remote spot. This could be a tent in the jungle or just beyond the beach line on a thicket in an uninhabited island out at sea. Nothing, in some ways, could be more exhilarating.
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6. Avoid the Machine

Image Source: Livestrong
Life today has become so autonomous that we have lost touch with the need to be in touch with certain things that have defined the joys of living life at all. From letting a machine do the spelling for you, not to mention grammar and all other forms of wording your thoughts, to simply stretching your legs to the quick stop for a bunch of apples; everyone needs something to “aid” them and make things “easier” for them than doing things the way they are supposed to be done. Avoid the machine, and do these and many more things yourself, and you will not be surprised to feel happy.
5. Share, Care and Enjoy the Moment

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There, we have all we need, for now, to hold on to what makes us happy (but not so tight that we hurt it). Just one more much, much greater, and more meaningful secret we have discovered that helps promise us happiness for millions of more years, end to end, is the divine virtue of Sharing. Sharing is, after all, Caring as they say and have said since time immemorial. And this points to one of the secrets to sustaining happiness in life by our super-intelligent scribes.
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4. Reading into the mystery

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Life as we know it seems to be “losing its cover” for itself ever since or even since prior to the information age –no doubt. But how many of these discoveries have you made yourself? The World Heritage has recorded only a handful of facts uncovered, of Earth, of Life itself, by laymen. In the present time and age, this does not seem to be a magical feat in any way, given that we have access to all we need to know the little that the mysteries are telling us, to uncover the bigger picture and popularize it. Some hints are Google or Discovery to research and Writerscafe or Facebook to simply share it with the World, thus propagating the wisdom. What more can make one happier than the joy of seeing the World grow with you? Not so much of a secret anymore, is it?
3. Get all the rest and sleep you want

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The Human body regenerates during its suspension, as we all have come to know at one time or the other. In today’s World, this can’t be truer, or more aptly, more essential. What with our strained eyes and nerves, not to mention fingers and back and neck that at least 1 in a thousand people around the world over are risking to various forms of ailments or even diseases sometimes running the danger of even being incapacitated. The simple observance for well-deserved rest is more than enough to sustain that risk-free, healthy comfort that leads to sustaining happiness in life.
2. Get Close to Nature

Image Source: Azernews
The life you are given is most valuable wherein you can learn countless lessons in countless dimensions. Look further –you can very well step this up with a more harmonized inclusion of the other beings. Touch, feel, interact, and imagine how much Nature can step up and sustain happiness in life. And, this is a surefire guarantee throughout your life.
1. Choose your company

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In the ever-changing environment, the world today has literally exploded into all avenues of existentialism. Be it industry or entertainment, or intimacy, one is constantly faced with some of the most challenging choices. These could involve being in the throng of a music festival, which some find extremely joyous and uplifting, even inspiring or in a group of friends who are constantly the same people, so the faces all around are learned with each other’s feelings and the atmosphere sublime. Further yet are people who wish to be by themselves. What kind of company is that, you may wonder? Well, a company well-kept reflects on the happiness sustained!
So, remember to click the Share button and facilitate happiness for everyone else in the World! Thank you so much for your presence and consideration!
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