Top 10 Google AdSense Web with the Greatest Income
Google AdSense has been a money-spinner for thousands of people across the globe. While millions more struggle to get into a spot they can safely consider to be Shangri la, there are a few who share the top spot as the highest Google AdSense earners in the world. All of these Google AdSense earning websites have Google AdSense earnings in six figures. The figure becomes more significant when you realize that this is not the only source of their income. With that being said, here are the highest Google AdSense earners in history.
10. Amit Agarwal

Image Credit: labnol
Amit Agarwal is a software engineer and blogger from India. One of the greatest Google AdSense earners, Amit is reputed to be the first professional blogger in India. His website labnol is one of the highest Google AdSense earning websites in the world with earnings of approximately $100,000 and approximately 270,000 unique visitors daily.
9. Jeremy Schoemaker

Image Credit: Shoe Money
This web entrepreneur who also happens to be one of the greatest Google AdSense earners earns his income from ShoeMoney media. Schoemaker started out making Macintosh gaming sites before branching out to ShoeMoney with journals on earning a living off the Internet through affiliate marketing and direct sales. With over 900,000 unique daily visitors, shoemoney understandably is one of the highest Google AdSense earning websites with approximately $180,000 monthly.
8. Perez Hilton

Image Credit: wikipedia
Of all celebrity bloggers, there are few, if any, greater Google AdSense earners than Perez Hilton (real name Mario Armando Lavandeira, Jr.). His eponymous blog, which he started in 2005, covers gossip about celebrities. garners about $300,000 in Google AdSense earnings from its 1,700,000 unique daily visitors.
7. Jack Herrick

Image Credit: wikiHow
The CEO and founder of wikiHow, is a grand entrepreneur with numerous projects, which have all become huge money-spinners. Herrick also owns eHow, BigTray and Luminescent Technologies. Since wikiHow started in 2005, it has spurned over 2 million unique visitors per day. It is therefore no wonder how Jack Herrick is one of the highest Google AdSense earners when he takes home $350,000 monthly from wikiHow alone.
6. Michael Arrington

Image Credit: TechCrunch
Of the highest Google AdSense earning websites, fewer are as young as techcrunch founded by Michael Arrington in 2011. The amount of effort he put into his startup is the reason his blog is now the foremost in technology and he is known as the founder of the most popular technology website in the world. His effort brings him $380,000 monthly.
5. Markus Frind

Image Credit: goodfind
The founder of the biggest dating website plentyoffish is one of the highest Google AdSense earners in the world. Well outside his Google AdSense earnings, he has made hundreds of millions from selling his dating service to The Match Group for $575 million in 2015. However, the website’s Google AdSense earnings hover around $450,000 monthly. A lot of income also comes from advertisements.
4. Kevin Rose

Image Credit: techcrunch, a website owned by Kevin Rose, attracts over 3.1 million daily unique visitors. The website’s function is basically to share contents. Digg is amongst the highest Google AdSense earning websites with over $500,000 monthly. The owner Kevin Rose also served as a co-host and production assistant at The Screen Savers run by TechTV. He was also a venture partner at Google Ventures for two years starting from 2012. Rose currently seats as a board member of the Tony Hawk foundation.
3. Shawn Hogan

Image Credit: digitalpoint
What greater Google AdSense money-spinner could there be than a blog that caters to the needs of bloggers? This is the reason why has since 1999 been serving the needs of Internet marketers, web developers and bloggers. Apart from providing for over 3.4 million daily unique visitors Digital Point has also been serving its owner Shawn Hogan well, propelling him to one of the greatest Google AdSense earners with over $570,000 monthly.
2. Courtney Rosen

Image Credit: thoughtfulminds has been showing over 4 million daily unique visitors, how to do stuff since 1999. Today it is one of the most popular websites in the world with countless articles and over 200,000 video tutorials to help its users. Courtney is well appreciated by Google for her efforts with Google AdSense earnings of about $700,000 monthly.
1. Pete Cashmore

Image Credit: governmentjobswork
Mashable was the dream of Cashmore, right from his days as a 19 year old in Scotland. Because of it he left his study and never went to university. Yet he had no idea that his blog would one day become one of the highest Google AdSense earning websites in the world. Today Mashable is the reason Pete Cashmore takes home more than $1.1 million monthly in Google AdSense earnings.
These are the highest earning Google AdSense websites in the world today and their owners. We hope you do like. If yes please share. Have something to say? Say it below or share it with someone who will. We appreciate.
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