Science Facts about Animals

Top 10 Science Facts about Animals That Will Blow Your Mind

We all love our animals for various reasons but how much do we really know about them? A lot of us don’t have the slightest idea about how special some pets we keep at home and the animals we see at the zoo are. So we have decided to help you out by listing a few amazing facts about animals that will definitely make you love and appreciate them more.                                                   

10. Raccoons “Wash” Their Food Before Eating.

Raccoons “Wash” Their Food Before Eating

                                                                        Image Credit : howstuffworks

Let us start off the countdown of the top 10 scientific facts about animals with the raccoon. It is a popular myth that raccoons wash their food. It is true. For animals who constantly forage and search for food in every nook and cranny, it seems a rather weird and interesting fact about animals that these raccoons would still take out time to wash their food before eating. Raccoons are usually seen dunking their food several times in any body of water nearby.

9. An Octopus Has 3 Hearts!!!

Octopus Has 3 Hearts

Image Credit : Pinterest

It certainly is a well known fact that the Octopus has 8 legs. But what if we let you in on another secret science facts about animals such as the Octopus? An Octopus has 3 hearts. While two hearts have the function of moving blood to the gills of the Octopus, the third heart has the function of pumping blood to the rest of the body. Of all the amazing facts about animals illustrated, this is the most bizarre.

8. Tigers and Stripes

Tigers and Stripes

                                                            Image Credit : pinterest

Another important yet interesting facts about animals you should note is that a tiger’s stripes are as unique as your fingerprints are. So take note of this the next time you see a tiger at the safari park. The stripes on each tiger is unique to that tiger, no two tigers have the same stripe pattern. Another unique aspect about the tiger’s stripes is that the stripes on the tiger looks like a shadow thus making it hard to see the tiger in the moonlight.

7. The Gender Changing Oyster

Gender Changing Oyster

                                                                        Image Credit : Huffingtonpost

An oyster would generally start off life as a male. However one of the science facts about animals such as the Oyster is that after a year the oyster can change to female. This makes it hard to determine the gender of an oyster, as the sex organs of an oyster are not visible. While an oyster is a hermaphrodite, the amazing facts about animals they are is that they cannot choose to be male and female at the same time.

6. Cows love their music.

Cows love their music

                                                                       Image Credit : modernfarmer

For yet another interesting facts about animals, let’s take a look at cows. Cows have been shown to produce more milk when music is playing in the background. Due to noisy production farms and busy areas, cows can sometimes exhibit stress. However, music helps the cows stay relaxed and allows the release of oxytocin.

5. Whales and dolphins were once land animals.

Whales and dolphins were once land animals

                                                                        Image Credit : Nature

Remember the story of Mila the whale that saved a life? The amazing facts about animals known as cetaceans, that about 52.5 million years ago, the species comprising of whales and dolphins had limbs that modified into flippers. It is not known for certain why these marine mammals transitioned from land to sea. It is however, probable that it was due to the fact that they adapted to certain aquatic conditions and began to feed on fish in the sea.

4. The American Mammoth jack

The American Mammoth jack

Image Credit : Livestock conservancy

American Mammoth Jackstock was developed by George Washington who wanted an American ass breed for the purpose of recreational, agricultural work and others but most especially to create draft mules. The breeders blended strains of several different asses from the world ranging from Spain to Malta.

3. Awesome dads

Awesome dads

Image Credit : cool Antarctica

Only a few animal fathers are like the emperor penguin. The emperor penguin is known to fast for weeks (up to 8 weeks) until the female penguin returns. Other interesting facts about animals like the Emperor Penguin are that these penguins protect their egg from the cold with a special flap of skin. Also, the female penguin must leave the colony while the emperor penguin takes care of the eggs.

2. The African Elephant

The African Elephant

                                                                                    Image Credit : zmescience

It is one of the noteworthy, amazing facts about animals that the African elephant carries a child for up to 22 months. That is approximately 680 days or 2 years. As a result, the baby elephants are born rather well developed.

1. Pig Heart transplant

Pig Heart transplant

                                                                        Image Credit: The Verge

Topping the chart has got to be the pig heart transplant. However, subjective your opinion about pigs may be, it gladly is the career of one of the most interesting scientific facts about animals. Thanks to the anatomy of pigs, there beckons a time in which humans would not have to pay as much as they do today for a heart transplant. Studies have shown that the human and mini pig, have very similar anatomy. To buttress this fact, the pigskin is used for grafting the skin of victims of fire burn.

So this does it, our list of the top 10 most interesting facts about animals. These science facts about animals are to help remind us about the uniqueness of each organism. Feel free to share, like and comment. You are most appreciated.

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