Top 10 Biggest Planets in the Milky Way Galaxy
Biggest Planets | Research into the bodies contained in the Milky Way is ongoing. More and more planets are being discovered with the passing of time. In light of this, we would love to highlight ten Milky Way galaxy planets so we can understand the universe better. Ready? Here we go.
We begin our list of the planets in the Milky Way galaxy with the last planet in the Milky Way- Pluto. Others call it Planet Nine or the dwarf planet. Its diameter is smaller than that of the Earth’s moon. Unlike other biggest planets in the solar System, Pluto carries Neptune’s orbit and distances itself from the galaxy. It is very cold and rocky with a strange atmosphere.
Next on our list of the Milky Way galaxy planets with the small-sized, closer to the sun planet named Mercury. Its diameter is 3,031 miles and studies show that its size is a bit larger than that of our moon. Mercury is a name representing the messenger of the Roman gods from which the planet’s name was derived. It orbits the sun for 88 Earth days while its day consists of 58.6 Earth days.
Mars is widely known for its near possibility to support life. After Earth, Mars occupies the next position among the biggest planets of the galaxy. Its diameter measures 4,217 miles and its atmosphere is full of iron oxide that makes it appear reddish in color. Like other planets in the Milky Way Galaxy, Mars orbits around the sun with its length of the day being close to that of the Earth (24, hours 37 minutes). A year however takes 687 Earth days. Mars is beautifully shaped with hills and valleys. It has snow and ice on its surface and has dust everywhere.
It may be a little further from the sun than Mercury but among all Milky Way galaxy planets, Venus is the hottest. This is because of its thick atmosphere which traps heat almost like the greenhouse analogy. It orbits the Earth for 225 Earth days with the length of its day being 241 Earth days. Its size is closer to Earth’s with the difference being so little. Venus has a diameter of 7,521 miles.
Our home also features planets of the Milky Way galaxy. It is the only planet with plenty of oxygen in its atmosphere able to support life. Its diameter is 7,926 miles and orbits the sun for 365.24 days. One day goes for 23 hours, 56 minutes. Two-thirds of the earth’s surface is covered with water.
Neptune is the planet before Pluto in the order of the Milky Way galaxy planets. The planet is known for its strong winds which can even be faster than sound. Like Pluto and Mars, Neptune is also cold and very far. It also has a rocky surface. It orbits around the sun for 165 earth years, while its days last for 19 earth hours with a diameter of 30, 775 miles.
Hypothetical “Planet X”
Recently, researchers discovered another planet as big as Neptune albeit far beyond Pluto. Because of its position in the biggest planets of the Milky Way, “Planet X” takes anything between 10,000 and 20,000 years to orbit around the sun. It has a mass 10 times more than Earth’s which is why it finds a spot in the list of Milky Way galaxy planets.
Uranus is both the 7th planet from the sun and the third largest planet in the galaxy. It is an oddball due to its equator which is at right angles corresponding to its orbit. Uranus was discovered by William Herschel in 1781 as a star. Unlike the rest of the planets in the Milky Way, Uranus experiences long seasons even lasting 20 years or more. Uranus has a diameter of 31, 763 miles and orbits the sun for 84 Earth years. Its length of day is 18 earth hours.
Saturn is the second largest planet in the galaxy as it is the most beautiful as evidenced by the rings surrounding it. As one of the planets in the Milky Way galaxy, it orbits around the sun for 29.5 earth years while its day has 10.5 earth hours. Its diameter measures 74,900 miles and the planet contains hydrogen and helium gases and has numerous moons. It is no doubt a wonder within in the study of the biggest planets on the solar system.
Biggest Planets : Jupiter
The Milky Way’s fifth planet is the biggest of them all at a diameter of 86,881 miles. The planet is full of gases dominantly helium and hydrogen. Unlike Earth, Jupiter’s clouds are beautifully colored as a result of the vast number of trace gases on its atmosphere. One day in this massive planet has 9.8 earth hours while its year contains 11.9 earth years. Until now, scientists are baffled by this thing in the biggest planets category.
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