the- Ultimate -Guida

The Ultimate Guide For Creating Compelling Copy | Copywriting

A copy has nothing to do with plagiarism or copying somebody else’s text, never mind the verb.

A copy/copywriting has nothing to do with text content. Well yes, a copy is some sort of a text, but that is as far as similarities go.

Table of Contents

So, what is a copy?

A copy is a short piece of text which gets readers to do something. These may be a call to action (AKA CTA),an email copy / copywriting, a social ads copy, and any other short piece of content which make people do something. What this something is may range from pressing a button, answering a question, and … yes making a purchasing decision. The latter is the most common use of a copy, irrespective of its form.

So, a copy’s main function is to sell something – an idea, a service, a product. It will do this in a very structured manner.

Common Myths About Copywriters

A lot of people assume that you either have a talent for writing or you don’t. They also assume that copywriters are born, not made—that it’s something innate and unteachable. Neither assumption is true. Like any other craft, copywriting can be learned and improved upon over time. In fact, there are plenty of myths about copywriters themselves; let’s bust some of those right now! copy 

Elements of a Copy

Each copy will have some standard elements. They are the guidelines for the attention of your reader:

The Headline

Each copy will have this. It is the main punch line. Be it a benefit. Be it the price. Or (in the case of a particularly strong brand) the brand itself. The headline must capture the attention of the reader and captivate.

The Sub-heading


This is optional in case the headline needs a bit of explanation.

The Body

This is the main elevator pitch. In just but a few words you need to convey the key elements of what you are offering. Remember to keep the interest alive and searching. The Body should provide the solution.


These are optional in case you have some rewards, benefits, coupons, and the like. They are meant to enhance the interest of your target.

The Image

Showcase your message with a compelling image. You know the saying – more than 1000 words.


So the attention of your reader is sharp. Her interest is acute. You need to provide an exit. Just provide what needs to be done. This is the Call To Action or CTA. This “exit” may be a link to a website, a phone number to be called or a purchase button. Just remember – the reader using this CTA is proof of the effectiveness of the whole copy. Nicely this may be easily measured.Call to Action

Knowing the elements of a copy is not enough. There are some key rules which need to be followed in order for a copy to reach its goal – following its CTA. Here are the key rules:

Determine the Target Group

By knowing your target audience, you will know what drives them. Hence you will know how to get their attention and eventually convey your message.

Have a Compelling Objective Copywriting

Like they say, you cannot get there, if you do not know where you are going. So prepare well. Get your objective clear.

Keep it Simple

Complicated messages, tend to confuse. So, keep it simple. Easy and straight to the point. Remember, you need to catch the attention and keep it till the end.

Provide the Necessary Information              

You need to provide information about the benefits, advantages, perks, and general added value of your offer. This is normally within the body of the copy. However, it may well spill over into the Headline and Sub-heading.

Enhancing Message

Now bring all of the above in one strong punch line. Give wording to your objective. Articulate this wording in the lingo of your target group.



Just saying your offer is great is not enough. Do provide some evidence to this effect. This could be the price. Or it may be the functionality. Then again, it may be the speed (think of Amazon). Underline the key competitive advantage of your offer and prove it.

Compelling Tone

The great content is not enough. It needs to be first in the language of your targets (and I do not mean Chinese or English). Then it needs to engage their emotions. So, first, enlighten and then make them enthusiastic. Make them look for that CTA.

Create an Urge

OK. Now, all know that your offer is great. So? Make them yearn to follow your CTA. Make them need to press that button.

What is a Compelling Copy

A compelling copy is such with which you have conveyed your message, explained the advantages of your offer, captured the attention of your target audience, geared up enthusiasm, and eventually tempted them to follow your call to action.

Compared to other advertisements a copy has the benefit of easy measurement of its effect. Just note how many targets did follow the suggested call to action. If successful – great. If not, this makes it easy for you to go back and rework your copy. All you need to do is understand where you made a wrong step and just fix it.

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