20,000 Website Visitors in One Month: How Long Does It Take?
If you’re looking to get 20,000 monthly website visitors to your business or brand, it can seem like an impossible feat — but it doesn’t have to be. There are many different ways to accomplish this goal, and you just need to find the one that works best for you and your goals. So how long does it take to get 20,000 website visitors per month? Below are some of the most popular strategies out there. Keep in mind that all of these methods should be used alongside each other in order to get the most results from each strategy.
Table of Contents
Day 1
The first day you log into your new website development platform and hit publish on a brand new website. You’re excited! You know you’ve got something great going here. Everyone will love it—for sure! And maybe if you share it with just one other person who loves it as much as you do…well, then they’ll tell their best friend who tells their best friend and so on and so forth. But no matter what happens from here on out, tomorrow can’t come soon enough because today was awesome and you finished your project. Yay! Today is also when you should begin to track all of your traffic sources.
Tomorrow, though, you may be surprised to see that Google Analytics shows zero traffic coming from social media or any other source besides direct visits to your site’s URL itself. That’s normal for Day 1 but don’t worry about it too much. Traffic takes time to build up. Be patient and keep at it. Soon enough people will start finding you and sharing your content with others who might find value in what you have to say or sell them on whatever service or product you offer through your website (that’s why we built websites in the first place). Now go get some rest because tomorrow is another big day for progress towards 20k visitors per month!
A Month Later
If you want to calculate how long it will take you to build your website traffic over a month, be sure to know how many visitors per day are coming to your site. For example, if you get 10 visitors a day on average and want 20k visitors in a month; then that means getting 2000 daily visitors over that time period. With 6 days in one week (and 52 weeks of year), dividing 20k by 2000 gives us our answer of approximately 40 weeks or 1 year. Using online tools like Google Ad Planner can help determine how many people visit your website daily before deciding on your desired monthly traffic goal.
6 Months Later
Learning from a New Site Launch After 6 Months of Growth-Marketing Experience. Learn From Our Mistakes and Achieve 20k+ Visits/month Faster than Us! Write about what you’ve learned with your new business venture over the past six months, why you think it took so long to achieve these results and how your plan has changed for moving forward. Write about anything that’s on your mind at all related to starting a business or launching a website. We want to know everything! Also write about what kind of resources you used to help get you where you are today as well as any tips or advice that might be helpful for someone who is just getting started with their own site. This should be an incredibly valuable post for anyone who wants to learn more about how we grew our traffic so quickly over such a short period of time.