8 times Sadhguru described the human existence better than science does
Many say science and religion are two sides of the same coin. If you too are someone who is torn between these two worlds, then this article is for you. In a conversation with Neuroscientist David Eagleman, the famed spiritual leader Sadhguru spoke about a wide array of topics centering the meaning of human existence.
Science has been known as the primary field that deals with questions related to mankind’s existence, but in this conversation, Sadhguru pointed out that it is rather spirituality that truly defines what it means to be human.
So, here is a quick roundup of the points noted by the great spiritual leader in the aforementioned conversation.
You are not the experiences you gather

Science primarily defined the meaning of human existence in terms of experiences and thoughts. But, as Sadhguru beautifully explained, the experiences we gather are never our own. If we believe ourselves only to be a collection of experiences, then the true form that we are born with is lost. He also mentioned that attaining oneness with the universe and to truly feel the cosmos is to let go of our experiences.
Your body is just a piece of the planet

The physical body that we call our own actually does not belong to us. It was made from this planet and will eventually return to it. So, if we place too many thoughts on our physical body, then we are choosing to move away from the existence that we may actually call our own. Science and religion have both reiterated the fact that our body is just an accumulation of mass, and our existence is much beyond the mass we accumulate.
What you refer to as your body is an accumulation of food

We often confuse ourselves to be the things we accumulate, and we refer to these accumulations to be our being. So, when the meaning of our existence is lost to us, it is neither the fault of science or religion. Rather, it is a question of what we believe to be our own. If we say “my brain” then that brain is ours, it is not us. So, be it our thoughts or our body, it is not us, we are much beyond it.
That data you have gathered is inconsequential to the cosmos

Coming back to the topic of experiences, we need to understand that no matter how much knowledge we gather, be it first hand or via someone, it is at the end of the day inconsequential. When Sadhguru presented the example of a yogi sitting in one place and meditating for months, he described the process as transcendental, and not as one of experience gathering. The question of mankind’s existence is focused on experiences, while it should be transcendence.
You can either conduct your mind consciously, or it will become compulsive

The neuroscientist David Eagleman proposed the question of diseases and conditions of the mind as being a part of the human condition. But, Sadhguru was quick to reply. He pointed out that it is nothing but the inability to conduct one’s own mind. Since we believe that our mind is our existence, we follow wherever it takes us. Rather, we should have the consciousness to guide it, and not follow its compulsions.
Consciousness is not the same as perception

It is at this point in the conversation that he brought about the topic of perception. What we gain from knowledge is perception, and it is a social process. But what we should really try to acquire is consciousness. If we are unable to gain consciousness, then we will always be stuck with someone else’s perception, and never develop our own.
Science is the need of a human being

Debating science and religion once more, he stated that these are our needs. We have developed these studies, be it science, religion, spirituality, mysticism, etc.; because we feel the need to define the meaning of human existence. Without us, these topics serve no purpose. Our true purpose is a much higher goal, to attain true consciousness.
Restoring your distorted vision is true enlightenment

Lastly, to end the conversation, he described how we can achieve this consciousness or enlightenment. The only path towards it is by restoring the vision that has been distorted by perceptions. We have created instruments to perceive the answers we seek, but the one true instrument lies within us, and we choose not to use it.
At the end of the conversation, both men agreed that science and religion truly intersect, and often tries to answer the same questions. Be it understanding the neurological pathways of the brain, or unlocking the chakras of our spirit, the goal remains the same, to find answers as to what our purpose on this earth is. But, at the same time, it is important to note that in many aspects spirituality is beyond science.
So, if you are feeling lost, vulnerable, or stuck without the meaning to your existence, know that it is already within you. Search within yourself, and find the true perception of your being, only then will you be free to explore the hidden meanings of the universe and your place within it.
Experience the enlightening conversation firsthand and gain a deeper understanding of human existence. The video in which Sadhguru Speaks with Neuroscientist David Eagleman, Watch now and embark on a journey of self-discovery and profound insights.