Top 10 Biggest Hamburgers on Earth
Are you a foodie or Biggest Hamburgers on Earth? If so, you are on the right page at probably the right time. It is next to impossible to believe that you don’t love burgers if you are a foodie. What’s not there to love about a burger? It has the delicious and perfectly cooked meat, fries, vegetables, the cheese drooling out of it, and what not? This is true enough to have cravings…
We’ll give you another reason to fall in love with burgers all over again. Here’s a list of the biggest hamburgers that are going to give some serious foodgasm.
10 The Big Al Burger Challenge, Fergburger

Image Credit: tripadvisor
Based in Queensland, New Zealand, Freiburger offers a lot more than a burger in the Big Al Burger. This burger is definitely not for light-hearted people. This Biggest hamburger has a whole pound of beef. If you feel it’s only this much, then you are absolutely wrong. Along with this, it is topped with bacon, cheese, two fried eggs, vegetables, and relish. All these delicious ingredients are sandwiched between giant buns. It’s not at all simple to finish this tasty giant burger. But you must defiantly try it!
9 Kookamonga Burger, Kooky Canuck

Image Credit: zomato
This giant burger is made in Memphis, Tennessee, the USA at the Kooky Canuck. Before you know the details of the burger, note that if you finish eating this burger alone then it for free. It weighs seven and a half pounds, which includes four pounds of meat. Along with meat, it has tomato, cheese, pickle, lettuce, onion, and fries (as an option). All these ingredients are stuffed between the 2-pound buns. The huge and tasty burger is served with a giant dill pickle on it.
8 Triple Coronary Bypass Burger Challenge, Vortex Bar & Grill

Image Credit: thrillist
You can call this burger as a tower of meat and cheese that is only found in Atlanta, USA. It is made up of three burger patties and fourteen slices of American cheese, three fried eggs and 10 bacon rashers. Oops! Forgot to add – it has two cheeses, grilled sandwiches too. This huge burger is served along with a bowl of French fries and tots covered in Vortex cheesy gooey sauce.
7 The Bull Burger Challenge, Lucille’s Cafe

Image Credit: The List Love
Found in Leesville, Louisiana, the Bull Burger gives a real challenge to foodies. This 2 and a half pound hamburger is stuffed with almost 9 ingredients. IT includes four slices of bacon, four slices of cheese, tomatoes, onions, French fries, lettuce, mustard, pickles and mayonnaise. If you win the challenge of finishing this burger in 30 minutes, you eat it for free and you also get a free T-shirt.
6 Australia’s Biggest Hamburger, Cavendish Cafe

Image Credit: bgors
Australia’s Cavendish Cafe offers a challenge to finish its burger with a friend within an hour. If you think taking the help of friend will make the challenge easier, then you must know that it’s not so. The eighteen pound burger sandwiches its ingredients between the 3 pound buns. The stuffed food items are 3 hamburger patties that weigh 3 pounds, 20slices of bacons, 8 eggs, onions, tomatoes, pickles and lettuce.
5 The Beast Burge, Blacks Burger

Image Credit: croydonadvertiser
It’s the beast! Yes, you read it right. The Black’s Burger in Croydon, England serves a giant burger and it is called as ‘The Beast’. The 14lb burger absolutely compliments its name. It’s made up of &lb Black Angus beef, 7 streaky bacon, 1 lettuce, 1/2lb cheddar, 7 tomatoes, and 1lb thin fries. Are you taking the challenge?
4 The Monster Red Ruby Burger, Urban Burger Restaurant

Image Credit: dailymail
Made up of 7 six-ounce of burger patties, 14 slices of bacon, 7 slices of cheese, and 2 giant portions of fries, the monster burger gives a real challenge that is much more difficult than you can even imagine. This huge monster is found in Exeter, England.
3 The 4 Horsemen Challenge, Chunky’s Burgers

Image Credit: cheatsheet
Before knowing anything about this burger and its challenge, you should know that only the ones with 18 and above age are allowed to eat this burger. And if someone under 18 is trying to eat this, then they should have a parent or guardian to sign “4 Horsemen Liability Waiver”. The giant burger includes ghost peppers, Habanera sauce, Serrano, and jalapeno. Are you 18 above and ready to take the challenge?
2 Britain’s Biggest Burger, Over De Flames

Image Credit: shirleytwofeathers
Over De Flames, a burger point in Norwich, England serves a giant burger that has a diameter of 30cm. It includes 40 slices of cheese, 26 quarter pounders and huge buns. The one who finishes the complete burger does not have to pay any money for that.
1 Mt. Olympus Burger, Clinton Station Diner

Image Credit: buzzfeed
Mt. Olympus Burger, also given the name as 8th Wonder Burger is the largest burger in the world. This huge giant burger is 11.5 inches tall and 28 inches in diameter. According to the challenge to eat this, 10 people can eat this burger and the team that finishes this within one hour wins prize money of $5000.
So, now you know your food goals and the bucket list of burgers to try! Get ready and take the challenge. Good Luck and Happy Eating!
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