Top 10 Beer Desserts
Looking for something creative to do with just one bottle of your six-pack whilst the remaining five ready up to be guzzled straight out of the bottle? That’s why we are here. Here are a few ideas that could help you make the best dessert out of beer.
10. Lager Waffles

Image Credit: The Beeroness
Thanks to a bit of lager, this tasty waffles are given a delicious lift. To prepare this excellent delicacy, you need waffles, all-purpose flour, Yuengling traditional lager, whole milk, vegetable oil, egg, sugar, baking powder, vanilla, salt and baking soda. Draft Mag has provided excellent guidance on how to prepare one of the best dessert beers there is.
9. Chocolate Mousse Cups with Guinness

Image Credit: Chocolate moosey
Guinness has always been an excellent recipe for great meals. Guinness is known for its thickness and consistency in taste. They are the reason why these chocolate mousse cups are is one of the top beers dessert out there. Chocolate moosey has got the recipe best two serving Guinness chocolate mousse cups out there.
8. Caramel apple beer bread

Image Credit: The Beeroness
When combined with the top beers dessert like this caramel apple beer bread is what you need to have some fun with your alcohol. The best part about this meal is the fact that it can be prepared in under 10 minutes giving it 40 times the value of your effort. For the perfect guidance on how to make the caramel apple beer bread the beeroness has you covered.
7. Chocolate Stout Ice Cream

Image Credit: Floating Kitchen
When we first saw this recipe on Floating Kitchen as one of the best dessert beers, we were doubtful. Clearly, our doubts were misguided as this ice cream turned out to be yummy. The subtle yet omnipresent taste of the beer is a mind-blowing effect for first-timers. We say so from experience.
6. Stout Brownies

Image Credit: my recipes
These brownies would make your taste buds go all the way when combined with the right stout. According to bon appetite, Guinness is one of those special stouts that would give these chocolatey brownies the taste they deserve.
5. Pumpkin Beer Bread

Image Credit: The Frugal Navy Wife
We are still in the pumpkin season – arguably, I must add – but nonetheless, this bread would certainly make excellent dessert. Pumpkin generally makes excellent dessert but mixed with pumpkin ale, this is one of the top beers dessert you could get anywhere. We have also provided you with the best recipe for pumpkin beer bread you could find anywhere, courtesy The Frugal Navy Wife.
4. Salted Cocoa Porter Caramel Corn

Image Credit: My Modern Cookery
Waited a long time to include this in the list. This dessert is one of a kind. This dessert would see you through Charlie Lyne’s Paint Drying which politely put is just 10 hours of boring. Few of the top beers dessert could actually put you through watching paint dry on the wall for 10 hours. Hence, the reason why we are proud to make the salted cocoa porter caramel corn one of our best dessert beer you could find. Want to have it made My Modern Cookery.
3. Candied Bacon

Image Credit: Recipe Girl
Anyone who has ever had these would have had us queried if we had omitted this mouth drooling dessert. When blended with beer this is an unstoppable combination. The best part, it has a different taste with every variation of beer so save a bottle from every single brew you try to see which has the best taste. It could be a worthy experiment. For those who’ve been missing out, here’s how you could get a taste of this mouthwatering recipe that is certainly one of the top beer desserts there is.
2. Beer, Bacon and Potato chip Cookie Bars

Image Credit: Cooking with Janica
Beer is a taste bud catalyst. Then add bacon and your mouth should be in a utopian paradise. This combo of sweet and salty makes our list of top beers dessert and if you happen to be a fan of one of the best dessert beers, Yuengling, then be prepared. Life Love and Sugar has one of the best Beer, Bacon and Potato chip cookie bars recipes out there. You really should give it a try.
1. Peanut Butter, Pretzels and Beer Cake

Image Credit: recipe for perfection
We had to crown this up with a dessert that stands tall above all. It is the go-to meal for the boys as you watch football. Despite the bit of patience, it takes to prepare – approximately 40 minutes total prep and cook time – this cake should reward you for your patience. When combined with stout, this makes one of the best dessert beers recipes you could find.
There goes our list of top 10 best dessert beers recipes that you ever make. We hope you have fun making a few of these. Please share and put a smile on someone else’s face too.
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